
I was born in South Africa, lived for twelve years in Melbourne, Australia and now call a cozy village in England my home.

I have tried a variety of amazing and awful jobs: video game reviewer, graphic designer, insurance claims agent, proofreader, feature writer and magazine editor.

But all of those jobs have been about putting food on the table and collecting stories that worm their way into my books. Writing fiction has always been – and no doubt always will be – my first occupational love.

Writing love stories started with my first kiss. I was number four in a long line of 14-year-old girls queuing in the hot sun outside a shed to kiss the tallest and cutest boy in our after-school centre. When it was my turn, I entered the gloomy, musty-smelling shed to glimpse a tower of car tyres next to a dark silhouette.

My first crush. Waiting for me.  

Nerves tingling, heart galloping, I climbed the tower, hooked my arm in one of the tyres and leaned over to where I calculated his cheek would be. I found his cheek, but lost my balance, toppling into him, his startled shout echoing in my ear as my braces gouged a groove in his cheek.

In the humiliating aftermath, I came away with a resolve that yes, my characters will go through turmoil, they’ll each have their Horror Shed Moments, times when I’ll push them further than they want to go, but they will ALWAYS get their happy ending.

My happy ending came at the age of twenty-four when I met Craig. After a classic best-friends-becoming-something-more love story, we got married. Happily, I can tell you that after you’re married the two are no longer mutually exclusive – your husband can be your best friend and the love of your life.

When I’m not working on my next novel, my two children keep me busy with life questions I can’t always answer and math problems that make me wish I’d concentrated more in school.